
Monday, October 12, 2020

Welcome to Scratch :: New Scratchers :: Welcome to Scratch!

Zoneon :

-Fellower- wrote:

Zoneon wrote:

when green flag clicked
broadcast [... v]
set [omg v] to [0]
when I receive [... v]
if <touching [:P v] ?> then
broadcast [... v]
set [omg v] to [321]
lol just a forever loop code hey just asking any new scratchers or people who are “VERY” good at coding? can you make something like the one above to teach new scratchers how to do basic code? Thanks!
Now this is just cool. If you don't know how to do this, just click the post thingy and then on the top you see all these buttons hover over them 1 by 1 you'll find it :)
Dear Zoneon (and anyone else who needs code),
I think I can share some of my code with new scratchers here. let's see…
move () steps
This part makes your sprite move.
say []
This part makes your sprite talk.
play sound [ v]
This plays sounds.
when green flag clicked
This is probably the most important block. it controls like start of the game and stuffs… IDK how to describe it.
wait () secs
Timing! Maps and Animations really need this block.
set [ v] to []
Variebles. Very complicated, new scratchers maybe shouldn't use it that fast.
define -Fellower-
This block defines… well… you can make your own blocks! this block defines the block you have made.
and yeah, that's it! that's some of the most important blocks.... 
ty! that's a great help to all scratchers.

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